Monday, December 12, 2016

Response to Shannon

Shannon's original post can be found here

As of earlier today, Trump canceled his press conference to discuss these allegations of conflicts interest. Trump representatives said that they will make a statement next month, but before he is inaugurated on January 20th. All the research that I've done has brought me to the same conclusion as you, that if Trump doesn't set up a real blind trust then we are dealing with a serious conflict of interest. Even if Trump does hand the business over to his children completely, you're right his name is still associated with the company and he'll still benefit from it in that right. As president, Trump will be responsible for filling positions of multiple agencies that will be investigating and managing his businesses. This article from The Guardian goes into more detail about this, it's alarming to say this least. Word is Trump is still working on filling his cabinet, but I think at this point the administration is spinning it's wheels until the electoral college comes through with a final decision. Our future administration has been under major fire over the past few days, holding a potentially controversial press conference is only going to add fuel to said fire.

Shannon's post:
The Guardian article:

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