Thursday, November 17, 2016

Response to Karla

Original post:

Karla, I really couldn't agree with you more. Trump's statements are appalling, but they speak to something greater than people's racism. I think people have been bottling up their hate since the civil rights movement, then all of the sudden a celebrity comes along and validates everything they’ve been thinking. The majority of Trump’s constituents are lower socio-economic white Americans, a population that in many ways only has their race to separate them from other minorities. Trump and his campaign, and now his administration, saw that opportunity and took hold of it tight. So yes, many of Trump’s supporters are bigots actively fighting POC, women, and members of the LGBT+ community. However, I would argue that the real more harrowing reality of Trump’s winning is that people are willing to tolerate racism and xenophobia rather than have Hillary in office. Acknowledging that some of their fellow voters are racist but distancing themselves from that hate is really harmful because it allows genuine xenophobic rascits to get away with feeling thw way they do. Any Republican official worth a damn is staying faaaar away from Trump’s cabinate, so all that’s left is racists like Steve Bannon.

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